Saturday, February 21, 2009

East River Road Parkway - Feb 21st, 2009

The fresh snow and bright sunshine were a bit deceptive. The temperature hadn't reached 20 degrees and Minneapolis had an overnight snowfall of 4 1/2 inches which meant walking a ways in the street. Hard to hike with snow covering some icy patches, but thank you St. Paul street department for plowing the walkway as we left the boundary with Minneapolis and hiked into St. Paul. That was also about where we spotted a pair of eagles up above the river. More wildlife down below  - many ducks so still in a small spot of open water. The worst windchill walking over the Mississippi River on the Lake street bridge, headed for a great meal at Longfellow's neighborhood grill - home to those great sweet potato fries. Six of us also signed a card for Karen who's caring for daughter Erica recovering from surgery.

1 comment:

Ian said...

4 1/2 inches of snow in one night. Amazing. It's hard to comprehend snow like that where I live.